I want to see a 100% open source android distro. The first pass could be AOSP or CyanogenMod without the closed source GApps. F-Droid would be pre-installed, along with a selection of basic apps like K9 Mail and aCal. I found this post: http://www.jethrocarr.com/2012/01/04/100-pure-freedom-phone/ talking about the same thing, but I don’t see anyone who…
New Tech Meetup, Central PA
My notes from the 06/04/2012 New Tech Meetup of Central PA Monthly Meetup. In general the Lancaster meetings last for an hour. They then adjourn to the nearby Iron Hill Brewery. I don’t usually go to the Hershey or Harrisburg meetings. AppNowGo – Eric Katherman Now called Knack (http://www.knackhq.com/). Recoded in Node/Mongo. iFormBuilder – Ryan…
Valentine’s Day
I took the winter banner and cleaned up the code and added rotation (and the rotation interacts with the mouse), along with the obvious graphics changes, for Valentine’s Day. BTW, I love you Deb.
Convert flac to mp3: flac -cd track.flack | lame -h – track.mp3
Last year I wrote 26 posts. That is only half the number I’d hoped for (52), especially since some where just one or two lines, but it isn’t as bad as I thought I was doing. I think part of what makes me feel that I neglect this so much is that some are multiple…
Stupid Cloud
It seems that some companies are using cloud services to offer features I’ve wanted for a long time, but only tied to a cloud with a monthly or yearly fee. The latest and most irritating is iCloud. I see no reason that an iDevice shouldn’t be able to sync with a Mac by WiFi. Finally,…
Ubuntu Unity tricks learned today:
a) make a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications for old school programs to show up.b) Middle click on the dock to launch a second copy of an application.c) Alt+` to switch between windows of the same application like on OSX. Now, I still would like to know why everything is so slow. Maybe I should try…
David eating a celebratory donut at home.
Supper from 40 minutes before I ate it.
I went downstairs and found the cat stretched out on the sofa and the Deb stretched out on the floor. #somethingsbackwards