Kid proofing USB charging
In case anyone is interested in making USB connectors a bit more kid proof, I recently bought these magnetic USB cables: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074TB8XTLFor the kid’s tablet, I super glue the micro-usb adapter in place. It sticks out about 1/8 in. No more kid destroying USB ports.It’s like Apples MagSafe for tablets.For their claim that it will…
Just built new shelves for games in closet. Turned out I still needed the old shelves.
We had a guest today. A post shared by Joshua Boyd (@joshua_d_boyd) on Jan 22, 2018 at 1:44pm PST
Improve recipe heat directions.
I think that recipes should replace phrases like medium high heat or simmer with temperatures. I interpret medium high heat to mean about 350-370 degrees Fahrenheit (175-190 C). Likewise, I call a simmer about 200 degrees (about 95 C). For measuring pan tempuratures, I use a point and shoot infrared thermometer like this model on…
Windows 10’s Anniversary Update just force installed itself in the middle of typing a git commit message in the middle of the work day. An hour later, it finished. Of course, it removed my VMs (but did leave the Docker for Windows VM alone).
Whoops, I superglued the superglue container to my finger.
What is a ghost’s favorite numeric base? BOOlean!
Gardians of the Galaxy was great.
I placed an iPhone screen down on my Nexus 4. The Nexus got confused, took a picture, then rebooted to contemplate what had just happened.
A quick trial at creating color fields (and then sticking textured stuff on top).