postgres dump query to file
\copy (select fields from table where something=otherthing) to ‘/tmp/test.csv’ with HEADER CSV;
A photo posted by Joshua Boyd (@joshua_d_boyd) on Jan 24, 2017 at 4:27am PST
A photo posted by Joshua Boyd (@joshua_d_boyd) on Jan 24, 2017 at 8:47pm PST
Swift 3 on Ubuntu 16.10
On swift.org’s downloads page Swift 3 comes with builds for Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04, but not 16.10. It is a reasonable guess that the 16.04 build will still work on 16.10, but once downloaded and extracted, it complained about missing libicuuc.so.55. 16.10 only offers the ICU version 57. There was a build of icu…
Windows 10’s Anniversary Update just force installed itself in the middle of typing a git commit message in the middle of the work day. An hour later, it finished. Of course, it removed my VMs (but did leave the Docker for Windows VM alone).
Simple Batch Processing
See my new github project: https://github.com/jd-boyd/simplebatch The goal of this is to be reasonable fast and powerful, while being dead simple to install and configure. Installation and configuration should be as simple as: $ pip install simplebatch $ batchd & $ bsubmit — my_first_job The current status is pretty much there. There are rough edges,…
[codepen_embed height=600 theme_id=1 slug_hash=’RRzOQk’ user=’jdboyd’ default_tab=’result’ animations=’run’] See the Pen SVG Graph Nodes on CodePen [/codepen_embed]
Whoops, I superglued the superglue container to my finger.
Proxmox on DigitalOcean
I thought I’d try to install Proxmox 4 on DigitalOcean. How I struck on that idea was very convoluted, and I don’t have a specific purpose for doing so, but if you want LXC containers instead of Docker or rkt, and you want a full set of web admin tools, this might not be a…